Unofficial CRUX PortDB

Description:one of the most popular database servers in the world
Maintainer:#teatime (, teatime at kyber dot io
Health (prtverify):ERROR
prtverify output:
ERROR  teatime/mariadb .......... directory not allowed: usr/man/
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/groonga-normalizer-mysql/
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/groonga/COPYING
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/groonga/
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/COPYING
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/COPYING.thirdparty
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/INSTALL-BINARY
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/README-wsrep
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/charsets/README
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/docs/COPYING.AGPLv3
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/docs/COPYING.GPLv2
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/docs/
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/mroonga/AUTHORS
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/mroonga/COPYING
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/policy/apparmor/README
WARN   teatime/mariadb .......... junk file found: usr/share/mysql/policy/selinux/README